A novel method is presented for automated injection of DNA samples into mic
rofabricated separation devices via capillary electrophoresis. A single cap
illary is used to electrokinetically inject discrete plugs of DNA into an a
rray of separation lanes on a glass chip. A computer-controlled micromanipu
lator is used to automate this injection process and to repeat injections i
nto five parallel lanes several times over the course of the experiment. Af
ter separation, labeled DNA samples are detected by laser-induced fluoresce
nce. Five serial separations of g-carboxyfluorescein (FAM)-labeled oligonuc
leotides in five parallel lanes are shown, resulting in the analysis of 25
samples in 25 min. It is estimated that approximately 550 separations of th
ese same oligonucleotides could be performed in one hour by increasing the
number of lanes to 37 and optimizing the rate of the manipulator movement.
Capillary sample introduction into chips allows parallel separations to be
continuously performed in serial, yielding high throughput and minimal need
for operator intervention.