We review various aspects of the structure and functioning of Danish estuar
ies from data collected by the National Monitoring Program and from informa
tion in published sources. We present data on the physical, chemical, and b
iological characteristics of estuaries in Denmark, we evaluate the function
ing of these systems as filters and transformers of nutrients, and we evalu
ate the outlook for Danish estuaries in the future. Danish estuarine system
s are for the most part shallow (< 3 m deep), have short residence times, a
nd tend to be heavily loaded with nutrients primarily from agricultural sou
rces. Total average loads from land per unit watershed area are 112 kg P km
(2) yr(-1) and 2,400 kg N km(-2) yr(-1) during the period 1989-1995. The t
otal phosphorus (TP) load in estuaries has been significantly reduced over
the last decade, following implementation of the 1987 Action Plan for the A
quatic Environment (Vandmiljoplan in Danish) that prescribed that nitrogen
loads to the total aquatic environment should be reduced by 50% and phospho
rus loads by 80%. Reductions in the total nitrogen (TN) load have been more
modest. Nutrient loading is one of the primary determinants of estuarine n
utrient concentration with 70% of the annual variation in TN concentration
and 55% of the annual variation in TP concentration explained by variation
in the load. Many Danish estuaries have rich communities of macrophytes and
benthic filter feeders, such as Mytlis edulis and Ciona intestinalis, that
can control water column chlorophyll concentrations by their filter feedin
g activities. Many of the estuaries experience hypoxia and anoxia, especial
ly during warm and calm summer months. Further reductions in nutrient loadi
ng are expected following implementation of the Action Plan for the Aquatic
Environment II, with predicted improvements in oxygen concentrations and i
n the functioning of these shallow, dynamic estuarine systems.