At Napoleon Bay, Baffin Island, fibrous aggregates define the contacts of M
esoproterozoic lamproite dykes with feldspathic wall-rock. The aggregates a
re composed of nepheline, pectolite and andesine, with fibre extensions alo
ng c, b and an indeterminate axis, respectively. Optically continuous, poly
mineralic fibre bundles are 0.1 to 0.2 mm long at the contact (all three mi
nerals), 0.01 to 0.05 mm long in the wall-rock, but were not found beyond 8
mm from the dykes.
Strongly alkaline, hydrothermal solutions, emanating from the dykes, reacte
d with labradorite in the wall-rock producing the fibrous agregates. Nephel
ine and pectolite were possibly derived from an unidentified, high-temperat
ure phase that decomposed during cooling. Andesine may have been generated
independently. Growth was directed across a set of tension fractures and pr
oceeded with the aid of a thermal gradient as heat was removed continuously
through the wall-rock.