During the two school years between 1991 and 1993, 60 schools were mea
sured for indoor radon in New York State. Schools were solicited from
areas considered to be at risk for above-average indoor radon based on
residential indoor radon measurements and on the geology of the area.
Eighteen of the sixty schools participating in the New York State stu
dy were selected for soil-radon potential characterization. Soils near
the perimeter of the school, in the school yard, and in crawl spaces
were measured for soil Ra-226 concentration, soil-gas Rn-222 concentra
tion, and permeability for gas flow. In general, above-average indoor
radon concentrations in the schools were found to correlate with highl
y permeable, gravelly soils. At 10 schools, the average soil permeabil
ity for gas flow was greater than 3 x 10(-10)m(2) for each school, and
47% of the rooms tested in these 10 schools had long-term indoor rado
n concentrations greater than 150 Bq/m(3). The soils near the 10 schoo
ls were generally glacial outwash gravel deposits containing average c
oncentrations of Ra-226 and soil-gas Rn-222. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevi
er Science Ltd.