A stratigraphic sequence exposed by river erosion in the foreland of Skalaf
ellsjokull, southern Iceland, displays five lithofacies documenting glaciof
luvial deposition Followed by glaciotectonic disturbance and subglacial def
ormation, Lithofacies 1a and 1b are glaciotectonically thrust glaciofluvial
outwash and subglacial deformation till respectively from an early advance
of Skalafellsjokull, Lithofacies 2, massive gravels and clast-supported di
amictons, documents the deposition of glaciofluvial outwash in the proto-Ri
ver Skala prior to overriding by Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age
. During overriding, lithofacies 2 was glaciotectonically disturbed and now
possesses the clast fabric and structural characteristics of G(B) (non-pen
etratively deformed) and G(A) (penetratively deformed) type glaciotectonite
s. A shear zone separates lithofacies 2 from overlying lithofacies 3, the l
atter possessing the class fabric signature of a D-A (dilatant) type deform
ation till although it was originally deposited as a discontinuous diamicto
n within a glaciofluvial sequence, probably as a hyperconcentrated flow, an
d appears to have been at least partially derived from underlying materials
by glaciotectonic cannibalization. Lithofacies 4 is a glaciofluvial deposi
t comprising two coarsening-upward sequences of gravel and diamicton. These
facies have been overprinted with G(B) glaciotectonite and DA-B (dilatant
to non-dilatant) deformation till structures and clast fabrics recording a
vertical progression towards more pervasively deformed material. The sequen
ce is capped by lithofacies 5, a two-tiered deformation till possessing the
characteristics of D-A and D-B horizon subglacial tills previously reporte
d from Icelandic glacier snouts. The whole sequence comprising lithofacies
2-5 represents a gravel outwash/deformation till continuum displaying varia
ble strain signatures produced in response to stress induced by the overrid
ing of Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age. These signatures are dic
tated by the sediment rheology and a vertical strain profile for the sedime
nt pile during glacier overriding is reconstructed.