Genet Genetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 habitat selection was studied thr
ough midden locations in a mountain area of central Spain both at macr
ohabitat (habitat types, land use, roughness, distance to villages, et
c) and microhabitat scale (tree, scrub, rock and pasture covers). Amon
g the available habitats, genet preferred dehesas, due to their good t
rophic resources and shelter availability. Genet was scarce over 1200
metres, probably because of thermic restrictions. The most important m
icrohabitat variables selected as faecal sites were rock-cover (refuge
s) and shrub-cover (feeding places and refuges). Other parameters of f
unctional significance related to midden location were social communic
ation and territoriality. There was no selection both sites with a hig
h degree of tree cover (microhabitat) and for sites near to watercours