Radar backscatter of power lines has lower values than those of the surroun
ding ground clutter when the power line is oriented at an off-normal direct
ion with respect to the radar line of sight. For power lines, the tradition
al detection algorithms that are commonly based on the statistics of the ba
ckscatter power of the clutter and target result in excessive false-alarm r
ates due to very low signal-to-clutter ratio. In this paper, the applicatio
n of a statistical polarimetric detection algorithm that significantly impr
oves the signal-to-clutter ratio is demonstrated. The coherence between the
co- and cross-polarized backscatter components is used as the detection pa
rameter. This statistical detection parameter can be applied to any extende
d targets such as a suspended cable in clutter background. Detection criter
ia based on clutter backscattering coefficients, power line size, and aspec
t angle, as well as the number of independent samples are obtained. The per
formance of the algorithm for mapping power lines in SAR images is demonstr
ated using a number of low-grazing incidence polarimetric SAR images at 35