In the early product design stage, various design optimization methods shou
ld be explored in order to optimize produce performance and reduce product
cost. During the past several years, an effort has been going on to develop
optimization technology for various product applications in Visteon Automo
tive Systems. The challenges for the real-world applications are how to opt
imize products to meet product design requirements and how to convert the o
ptimized design into a feasible design. The product design requirements may
be achieved by properly formulating the design optimization problems; howe
ver, not all the design specifications can be written in mathematical equat
ions. Alternative approaches need innovative thinking to solve complex desi
gn problems. Also, extra efforts are necessary to create a feasible design
from the multiple optimized designs. This paper presents the optimization a
pplications on automotive components/systems based on shape and topology op
timization methods. These applications show the advantages of design optimi
zation in improving product designs, resolving product issues, and saving p
roduct cost through innovative utilization of design optimization.