Although major advantages have been made in developing robust, easy-to-use
ICP-AES instruments offering sub mug g(-1) detection limits and relative in
terference free operation, long-term drift of the analytical signal continu
ous to be problematic and necessitates regular re-calibration. The work pre
sented here focuses on the effect of two instrumental parameters, i.e. the
rf power and the nebuliser gas flow rate, on the robustness of the signals.
The effects on the long-term stability when varying these two factors was
systematically studied using an experimental design protocol. A "drift diag
nosis" on thirty emission lines was performed at 12 different sets of opera
ting conditions by repeated determination of a multi-element solution over
several hours. The results were studied using standard parameters, i.e., Mg
ratio, sensitivity, drift error, drift patterns and multi-way analysis. Pa
rallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was employed to analyse the 3-way data arr
ay generated: "emission lines x replicates x operating conditions". The phy
sical interpretation of the new PARAFAC-factors is shown to enable a better
understanding of the drift phenomenon by mathematically characterising the
causes of long-term instability. Finally, the robustness of the technique
using different operating conditions is evaluated and the appropriate use o
f internal standards to correct for drift is discussed.