E. Fleishman et al., Upsides and downsides: contrasting topographic gradients in species richness and associated scenarios for climate change, J BIOGEOGR, 27(5), 2000, pp. 1209-1219
Aim We tested whether montane butterflies exhibit similar responses to elev
ation in two adjacent mountain ranges in the Great Basin; whether surface w
ater availability, canyon depth and canyon width vary predictably with elev
ation; and whether those factors act in conjunction with elevation to gener
ate the observed gradients in species richness. These variables might reaso
nably be expected to affect species richness of butterflies and can be deri
ved readily for most landscapes. We also explored how climate change may af
fect species distributions in both mountain ranges.
Location Field research was conducted in the Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, La
nder and Nye counties, Nevada, USA.
Methods We obtained data for 102 locations in the Toiyabe Range and 49 loca
tions in the Toquima Range. These locations covered an elevational gradient
of c.1350 m in the Toiyabe Range and 900 m in the Toquima Range. Species r
ichness data were based upon comprehensive field inventories. Elevation was
measured by differentially corrected global positioning systems. Values fo
r the remaining predictive variables were derived using geographic informat
ion systems. Availability of surface water was quantified as the distance f
rom the centre of the inventory route to the nearest permanent source of ru
nning or standing water.
Results In the Toiyabe Range, species richness decreases as elevation incre
ases. Water availability and canyon depth and width vary predictably with e
levation, but do not interact with elevation to affect species richness pat
terns. In the Toquima range, in contrast, species richness increases as ele
vation increases, and no other predictive variable covaries with elevation.
Main conclusions We suggest that range-specific gradients in climatic sever
ity contribute to the distinct elevational gradients in species richness. I
n the face of climate change, species richness patterns in the Toquima rang
e will likely remain similar The elevational gradient in species richness i
n the Toiyabe range may flatten, or the patterns in the two ranges may conv