Iz. Al-mohsen et al., Acrophialophora fusispora brain abscess in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Review of cases and taxonomy, J CLIN MICR, 38(12), 2000, pp. 4569-4576
A 12-year-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia was referred to King F
aisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center. The diagnosis without centra
l nervous system (CNS) involvement was confirmed on admission, and chemothe
rapy was initiated according to the Children Cancer Group (CCG) 1882 protoc
ol for high-risk-group leukemia. During neutropenia amphotericin B (AMB) (1
mg/kg of body weight/day) was initiated for presumed fungal infection when
a computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest revealed multiple nodular den
sities. After 3 weeks of AMB therapy, a follow-up chest CT revealed progres
sion of the pulmonary nodules. The patient subsequently suffered a seizure,
and a CT scan of the brain was consistent with infarction or hemorrhage. B
ecause of progression of pulmonary lesions while receiving AMB, antifungal
therapy was changed to liposomal AMB (LAMB) (6 mg/kg/day). Despite 26 days
of LAMB, the patient continued to have intermittent fever, and CT and magne
tic resonance imaging of the brain demonstrated findings consistent with a
brain abscess. Aspiration of brain abscess was performed and the Gomori met
henamine silver stain was positive for hyphal elements. Culture of this mat
erial grew Acrophialophora fusispora. Lung biopsy showed necrotizing fungal
pneumonia with negative culture. The dosage of LAMB was increased, and itr
aconazole (ITRA) was added; subsequently LAMB was discontinued and therapy
was continued with ITRA alone. The patient demonstrated clinical, and radio
logical improvement. In vitro, the isolate was susceptible to low concentra
tions of AMB and ITRA. A. fusispora is a thermotolerant, fast-growing fungu
s with neurotropic potential. We report the first case of human infection i
nvolving the CNS. Acrophialophora resembles Paecilomyces but differs in hav
ing colonies that become dark and in the development of phialides along the
sides or at the tips of echinulate brown conidiophores. Conidia are horne
in long chains and are smooth or ornamented with fine-to coarse echinulatio
ns, sometimes in spiral bands. The taxonomy of the genus Acrophialophora is
reviewed, and Acrophialophora nainiana and Acrophialophora levis are consi
dered as synonyms of A. fusispora.