Heat shock protein (HSP) 27 is a member of the small HSP family that plays
a part in the regulation of epithelial cell growth and differentiation, wou
nd healing, apoptosis and cell protection against inflammatory cytotoxicity
mediators. Thus the expression of HSP27 was investigated immunohistochemic
ally in periapical granulomas with epithelial rests of Malassez and in radi
cular cysts. Anti-HSP27 mouse monoclonal antibody and peroxidase-labeled st
reptavidin-biotin standard technique were used to study the expression of H
SP27, proliferating epithelial cell rests, and islands of epithelium and ep
ithelial lining of microcysts strongly reacted throughout all layers, where
as radicular cysts epithelial lining presented mainly a moderate suprabasal
staining pattern. However both the proliferating epithelial cell rests and
the radicular cysts shared an over-expression of HSP27 immunostaining inte
nsity in coincidence with the presence of local infiltration of immune cell
s. HSP27 may play several roles in periapical lesions that include contribu
ting to the migration of epithelial cell rests and an increased resistance
both to necrotic and apoptotic cell deaths.