A simulation study was used to examine the consequences of karyotypic rearr
angements on molecular genetic map construction, Two groups of 50 datasets
were created for F-2 populations segregating for a reciprocal translocation
of chromosomal segments or a reciprocal translocation and inversion, Multi
ple attempts were made to construct maps for each dataset using MapMaker/EX
P, As expected, the markers from segments involved in the translocation for
med one linkage group, Maps that corresponded to the known marker order wit
hin a segment could be constructed by the following method, The separation
of markers distal to the translocation breakpoints into their respective se
gments could be made by constructing multiple maps, using distinct orders o
f marker entry, and observing the variances in intermarker distances: varia
nces between pairs of markers from the same segment were an order of magnit
ude less compared to pairs where markers were from different segments, The
order of markers within a segment could be determined from combining the pa
irwise linkage results from multiple maps, or from maps including all marke
rs from a segment. No bias in map distances was observed, These results ind
icate that, under conditions similar to those tested, genetic maps correspo
nding to the segments conserved in translocations can be constructed.