Objective Nocturnal hypoxemia has recently been proposed as a cardiovascula
r risk factor in patients with chronic renal failure. In this study we have
tested the hypothesis that this disturbance is associated with left ventri
cular hypertrophy (LVH) in dialysis patients.
Methods During a mid-week non-dialysis day, 38 hemodialysis patients underw
ent continuous monitoring of arterial O-2 saturation (SaO(2)) during night-
time as well as 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and echocardiogra
Results Eighteen patients had one or more episodes of O-2 desaturation duri
ng night-time (average: 21 episodes; range 1 to 120) while the other 20 had
no episode. Neither day-time arterial pressure nor heart rate were signifi
cantly associated with nocturnal hypoxemia, However there was a significant
correlation between the night/day systolic ratio and the severity of hypox
emia during night-time (r = 0,36, P = 0.03). On multivariate analysis, noct
urnal hypoxemia proved to be the stronger independent predictor of relative
wail thickness, mean wall thickness and left ventricular mass index, sugge
sting that nocturnal O-2 desaturation is linked to concentric hypertrophy a
nd to concentric geometry of the left ventricle, Accordingly, the proportio
n of patients with such geometric alteration was higher (chi (2) = 4,1, P =
0.04) in patients with a pulse oximetry severity score > 50(th) percentile
[15 of 19 (79%)] than in those below this threshold [nine of 19 (47%)].
Conclusions Nocturnal hypoxemia is an important correlate of LVH in hemodia
lysis patients. Such an association is largely independent of arterial pres
sure, These data further underscore the importance of disturbed respiratory
control as a cardiovascular risk factor in dialysis patients. (C) 2001 Lip
pincott Williams & Wilkins.