After chromosome 22 and NF2 inactivation, the loss of chromosome 1p is one
of the most frequent abnormalities encountered in meningiomas. However the
putative tumor suppressor gene located on 1p inactivated in meningiomas has
still to be identified. We screened 68 meningiomas for LOH on chromosome 2
2 and 1. We found 34 LOH on the NF2 region on chromosome 22 (50%) and 19 LO
H on 1p (28%), 16 being associated with loss of chromosome 22. Partial dele
tions delimited a candidate region located between D1S234 and D1S2797. The
p18 tumor suppressor gene, a member of the genes family coding for inhibito
rs of cyclin-dependent kinases, is located in this region. To determine whe
ther p18 is involved in development of meningiomas, we performed a mutation
analysis of the p18 gene and a search for homozygous deletion in the 19 me
ningiomas with 1p loss. Sequencing analysis of the p18 gene revealed one po
lymorphism, but no somatic mutations and no homozygous deletions were found
. These results confirm that the loss of chromosome 1p32 is a frequent feat
ure in meningiomas, however the p18 tumor suppressor gene which is located
in this region, does not seem to be involved.