In the search for potential new anticancer drugs, an efficient synthesis of
bis-tetrahydroaminoacridine (bis-tacrine) and its congeners was accomplish
ed by bis-amination of 9-chlorotetrahydroacridine and its congeners under h
eated conditions.
The critical chlorides were efficiently prepared from o-aminoaromatic acids
and cycloketones in-situ in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride. In-vit
ro cytotoxic evaluation of the compounds was carried out against a panel of
60 human cancer cell lines. Among them, butyl-linked bis-tacrine (5b) exhi
bited the strongest cytotoxic profile with G150 (concentration causing 50%
growth inhibition) values of approximately 0.04-0.08/muM against breast, co
lon, melanoma and nonsmall lung cancer cells. Congeners bearing a longer al
kyl chain were on average 30- to 100-fold less cytotoxic against these canc
er cells. Shorter connecting alkyl chains of bis-tacrine or its congeners d
ramatically decreased the cytotoxic effects.
Compound 5b has been selected for further biological evaluation of its anti
cancer profile.