Meta-analysis of clinical trial data is an increasingly important meth
od in clinical research, particulary in the field of therapeutic evalu
ation. This method uses some specific statistical techniques which an
not all available on standard packages and therefore require specific
developments. This paper describes a program designed to help medical
researchers perform meta-analyses of clinical trial data with dichotom
ous outcomes, This program includes the various statistical methods of
meta-analysis and enables cumulative meta-analysis and sub-groups to
be performed. A robustness index can be determined and the results obt
ained in table and graphic formats. Data-editing and data-manipulating
facilities are also possible. Much care has been taken to make the us
er interface as user-friendly as possible, so that the program is with
in the reach of all medical researchers. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ire
land Ltd.