A cat showing seasonal allergic symptoms of rhinitis was examined for react
ivities to Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica, CJ) pollen allergen by int
radermal skin test (IDST), Prausnitz-Kustner (P-K) test, and lymphocyte bla
stogenic response. In IDST for 26 common allergens, the cat showed a positi
ve reaction to CJ pollen allergen. P-K test using CJ pollen allergen also s
howed a positive reaction, indicating the presence of serum IgE specific to
CJ pollen. In the lymphocyte blastogenic response, the stimulation index i
n the presence of CJ pollen allergen was 2.4. These data suggested that the
seasonal rhinitis observed in the cat was caused by the sen sitization to
CJ pollen allergen.