Objectives: Patients with facial purpura can have acute and dramatic illnes
ses. For this reason, the clinician must be aware of certain diagnoses that
can present as facial purpura and know how to initiate treatment efficient
ly. According to our review of the literature, no paradigm currently exists
for the diagnosis and management of facial purpura. Our goal is to develop
a schema for the identification and management of facial purpura. Study De
sign: Case series. Methods: A case series of five cases is presented follow
ed by a systematic development of a differential diagnosis based on etiolog
y of the lesion. Results: Facial purpura can be classified into conditions
that are primarily or secondarily vasculitic, thrombocytopenic, neoplastic,
infectious, toxic, and miscellaneous, which encompasses episodic reports t
hat do not fit into the other categories. A paradigm to diagnose patients w
ith facial purpura is developed based on clinical presentation and etiology
. To demonstrate the utility of our algorithm, the five cases presented are
re-examined using the algorithm. To our knowledge, this represents the fir
st reported series of facial purpura in the modern. English literature. A f
low chart based on our diagnostic paradigm is presented. Conclusion: Clinic
ians caring for patients with facial purpura must recognize the acute condi
tions that require emergent medical intervention. Once these diagnoses have
been considered, the clinician can employ a systematic approach to the dia
gnosis based on etiology. This study provides a useful reference for the ot
olaryngologist when encountering a patient with facial purpura.