Two factors are assumed to induce impressions of arrogance and modestly in
reaction to others' accounts for success: the dimensions underlying the cau
se for success and the perceived desirability of the cause. Guided by Weine
r's attribution theory (B, Weiner; 1986), it was proposed that accounts asc
ribing success to internal,stable, uncontrollable, and desirable causes rep
resent positive given qualities of a person (e.g,, intelligence and beauty
that lead to perceptions of arrogance and lack of modesty. Three vignette e
xperiments measuring subjects' reactions to others' accounts for achievemen
ts in school and sports confirmed these predictions. Accounts induce impres
sions of arrogance and modesty regardless of the level of the achievement.
Additionally arrogance reduces admiration toward the achiever whereas incre
ments in modesty and/or level of success increase it. The present findings
provide further evidence of the significance of attributional information f
or social judgements.