We studied pollinator visitation rates and movement patterns in experimenta
l arrays of irises at two sites within a Louisiana iris hybrid zone. Arrays
contained single-flowered stems of red-flowered Iris fulva, blue-flowered
I. hexagona, and purple-flowered F-1 hybrids. At one site, where I. hexagon
a was the only wild-growing iris, queen bumble bees were the most common po
llinator, and the rank order of pollinator visit rates was I. hexagona > F-
1 > I. fulva. At a second site, where I. fulva predominated in the wild, hu
mmingbirds were the most common pollinators. and this order was reversed: I
. hexagona < F-1 < I. fulva. Thus, at both rites, the naturally occurring i
ris was visited most frequently and F-1 flowers were visited more frequentl
y than the non-native species. Pollinators used both long-distance and shor
t-distance cues to discriminate among flowers, and differences in visit rat
es seemed to be based on differences in the ease of access to pollen and ne
ctar records on flowers of different size. Analysis of movement patterns be
tween flowers showed that pollinators were more likely to make parental-F-1
transitions than heterospecific transitions. These data suggest that polli
nator behavior acts as a partial barrier to initial hybridization, although
this barrier largely breaks down after F-1, formation. Our results help to
explain the existence of many introgressed populations of Louisiana iris,
despite the fact that F(1)s are extremely rare in the wild.