We perform a calculation on the polarization of J/psi production in deep in
elastic scattering in the DESY HERA energy range. For the inclusive product
ion distributions, we find that the color-singlet contributions are consist
ent with the experimental data in the major region of z (z > 0.4). Only in
low z regions are there some hints of the need for the color-octet contribu
tions to describe the experimental data. For the polarization of J/psi in d
eep inelastic scattering processes, we find the parameter a changes with Q(
2). Especially at higher Q(2), the difference in a between color-singlet an
d color-octet contributions becomes more distinctive. In the two regions of
lower and larger z, the polarization parameter a has different features. T
hese properties can provide important information on the polarization mecha
nism for J/psi production.