BACKGROUND. Over the past 5 years, a steady stream of publications has disc
ussed the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for urologic and other m
edical applications. The pace of this research has increased recently, and
deployed products based on this technology are now appearing. Before these
tools can be widely accepted by clinicians and researchers, a deeper level
of understanding of ANNs is necessary. This article attempts to lay some of
the groundwork needed to facilitate this familiarity.
METHODS. A short discussion of neural network history is included for backg
round. This is followed by an in-depth discussion of how and why ANNs work.
This discussion includes the relationship between ANNs and statistical reg
ression; An investigation of issues associated with neural networks follows
, applicable to both general and urologic-specific applications.
RESULTS. Neural networks are computer models that have been studied extensi
vely for over 50 years, with prostate cancer applications since 1994. From
a biological viewpoint, ANNs are artificial analogues of data structures th
at exist in nervous systems. From a numeric viewpoint, ANNs are matrices of
numbers whose values comprise knowledge that is distilled from historic da
tabases. Many types of neural networks are analogous to well-known statisti
cal methods.
CONCLUSIONS. ANNs are complex numeric constructs, but no more complex than
similar statistical methods. However, several issues associated with neural
network derivation demand that developers apply rigorous engineering pract
ices in their studies. Prostate 46:39-44, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.