The effect of liquid swelling on the structural rearrangement of lyocell tw
ill fabrics is studied using a variety of techniques, including optical mic
roscopy, dimensional measurements, and water and hexadecane retention. Lyoc
ell fibers swell predominately laterally in water by about 30% over the dry
diameter. Fiber lateral swelling in NaOH solutions is greater than in wate
r, with diameters increasing by over 200% at optimum concentrations. The la
teral expansion in the fibers leads to fabric shrinkage (reduced planar dim
ensions and increased fabric thickness), which explains most of the irrever
sible constructional changes that occur during tensioned preparation from t
he loomstate. Fabric structural changes during subsequent wetting and dryin
g are also explained using swelling-shrinkage and hygral expansion-contract
ion models. Irreversible swelling-shrinkage in NaOH is exaggerated, and sub
sequent rewetting leads to reversible fabric growth rather than the reversi
ble shrinkage experienced by fabrics prepared in water. NaOH treated fabric
s also have lower wet state rigidity than fabrics prepared in water. Tensio
ned NaOH treatment allow fabrics to be stabilized at larger dimensions and
a permanent, flatter fabric construction with lower amplitude reversible be