Tropical moist forests are notable for their richness in tree species. The
presence of such a diverse tree flora presents potential problems for scali
ng up estimates of water use from individual trees Co entire stands and for
drawing generalizations about physiological regulation of water use in tro
pical trees. We measured sapwood area or sap flow, or both, in 27 co-occurr
ing canopy species in a Panamanian forest to determine the extent to which
relationships between tree size, sapwood area and sap flow were species-spe
cific, or whether they were constrained by universal Functional relationshi
ps between tree size, conducting xylem area, and water use. For the 24 spec
ies in which active xylem area was estimated over a range of size classes,
diameter at breast height (DBH) accounted for 98% of the variation in sapwo
od area and 67% of the variation in sapwood depth when data for all species
were combined. The DBH alone also accounted for greater than or equal to 9
0% of the variation in both maximum and total daily sap flux density in the
outermost 2 cm of sapwood for all species taken together Maximum sap flux
density measured near the base of the tree occurred at, about 1400 h in the
largest trees and 1130 h in the smallest trees studied, and DBI-I accounte
d fur 93% of the variation in the time of day at which maximum sap flow occ
urred. The shared relationship between tree size and time of maximum sap fl
ow at the base of the tree suggests that a common relationship between diur
nal stem water storage capacity and tree size existed. These results are co
nsistent with a recent hypothesis that allometric scaling of plant vascular
systems, and therefore water use, is universal.