Effects of drought on water relations, whole-shoot gas-exchange characteris
tics, and pigment and zeatin concentrations were investigated in the Medite
rranean shrubs rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and lavender (Lavandula
stoechas L.). Two-year-old, greenhouse-grown plants were placed in a whole
-shoot gas-exchange measurement system and subjected to 10 days of drought,
resulting in severe water stress, and then re-watered for 5 days in order
to study their recovery. Water stress resulted in a significant decline in
maximum whole-shoot not CO2 assimilation rates (A(n)) for both species that
was associated with reductions in leaf area and stomatal conductance. Beca
use shoot dark respiration rate (R-d) was less sensitive to water stress th
an A(n), shoot R-d/A(n) ratio increased from about 15 to 95% during water s
tress. No major changes in chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations of ros
emary leaves were observed during the experiments, but chlorophyll and caro
tenoid concentrations fell significantly in water-stressed lavender leaves.
Zeatin concentrations were higher in rosemary leaves than in lavender leav
es during water stress. After re-watering, whole-shoot A(n) and R-d rapidly
recovered to their pre-drought rates.