Somatic antigens from third stage larvae of Dirofilaria immitis (SL3) were
used to detect IgG response against heartworm infection in 8 experimentally
infected cats. A moderate specific anti-SL3 IgG response was found one mon
th post-infection. Afterwards, antibodies decreased reaching a basal level
4 months post-infection and remained at this level until the end of the stu
dy, 6 months post-infection. Western blot analysis showed specific recognit
ion of polypeptides of 79, 73, 60, 52, 40 and 39 kDa by sera from infected
cats 1 month post-infection, but not by sera taken prior to the infection.
The low antigenicity of the SL3 antigen in the cat should allow the parasit
e to escape the host's immune response.