Background. Recommendations in medical textbooks concerning bed rest after
lumbar puncture to prevent postpunctional headache vary between immediate m
obilisation and 24 hours bed rest.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the current practice
in neurological departments.
Methods. We contacted all neurological departments in Austria by fax and as
ked about standards concerning bed rest after lumbar puncture and about the
number of punctures per month.
Results. 28 out of 32 departments replied (88%). Fifty percent (n=14) of th
e departments recommend 24 hours bed rest after lumbar puncture, recommenda
tions of the other departments vary between immediate mobilisation (one dep
artment) and 16 hours bed rest.
Conclusion. Current practice concerning bed rest after lumbar puncture vari
es widely in Austria and most patients are confined to bed for several hour
s. Even though there is evidence that bed rest does not prevent post lumbar
puncture headache, there is so far no systematic review published in the m
edical literature.