After using evolutionary techniques for single-objective optimization durin
g more than two decades, the incorporation of more than one objective in th
e fitness function has finally become a popular area of research. As a cons
equence, many new evolutionary-based approaches and variations of existing
techniques have recently been published in the technical literature. The pu
rpose of this paper is to summarize and organize the information on these c
urrent approaches, emphasizing the importance of analyzing the operations r
esearch techniques in which most of them are based, in an attempt to motiva
te researchers to look into these mathematical programming approaches for n
ew ways of exploiting the search capabilities of evolutionary algorithms. F
urthermore, a summary of the main algorithms behind these approaches is pro
vided, together with a brief criticism that includes their advantages and d
isadvantages, degree of applicability, and some known applications. Finally
, future trends in this area and some possible paths for further research a
re also addressed.