Introduction. A link between bone mineral density and skin color has been r
eported recently, and pigmentation has been shown to affect cutaneous vitam
in D production. In the present study, we investigated the relationship bet
ween phototype, global self assessed sun exposure, geographical location an
d vitamin D serum levels in 1191 French adults.
Methods. Three multiple linear regression analyses were performed. The two
first analyses to test separately the effect of phototype, and the effect o
f sun exposure on the Vitamin D levels. Then, a third model was constructed
, using both factors and geographical location.
Results. When the factors were analyzed separately, individuals with lower
phototype showed significantly lower levels of vitamin D than those with da
rker phototype, as well as, individuals with lower sun exposure showed sign
ificantly lower levels of vitamin D than those with higher sun exposure. Ho
wever in the global model, which takes into account phototype and sun expos
ure simultaneously together with the region of residence, the vitamin D sta
tus was no longer linked with the phototype, but with sun exposure and geog
raphical location.
Conclusion. Since phototype and global self-assessment of sun exposure were
positively linked, our data suggest that lower vitamin D levels in fair-sk
inned individuals are due to their sun exposure behavior.