Hypothesis-testing methods for multivariate data are needed to make rigorou
s probability statements about the effects of factors and their interaction
s in experiments. Analysis of variance is particularly powerful for the ana
lysis of univariate data. The traditional multivariate analogues, however,
are too stringent in their assumptions for most ecological multivariate dat
a sets. Non-parametric methods, based on permutation tests, are preferable.
This paper describes a new non-parametric method for multivariate analysis
of variance, after McArdle and Anderson (in press). It is given here, with
several applications in ecology, to provide an alternative and perhaps mor
e intuitive formulation for ANOVA (based on sums of squared distances) to c
omplement the description provided by McArdle and Anderson (in press) for t
he analysis of any linear model. It is an improvement on previous non-param
etric methods because it allows a direct additive partitioning of variation
for complex models. It does this while maintaining the flexibility and lac
k of formal assumptions of other non-parametric methods. The test-statistic
is a multivariate analogue to Fisher's F-ratio and is calculated directly
from any symmetric distance or dissimilarity matrix. P-values are then obta
ined using permutations. Some examples of the method are given for tests in
volving several factors, including factorial and hierarchical (nested) desi
gns and tests of interactions.