Sole ulcers are the most frequently encountered lesion in lame cattle. They
are of growing concern to the dairy industry since the incidence of ulcers
is increasing. Ulcers cause financial losses, the animal's wellbeing is di
sturbed to a high degree and they harm the image of the industry in general
. Biomechanic factors and laminitis are of particular significance in the p
athogenesis of the sole ulcer. The development of sole contusions and ulcer
s is assumed to occur in 3 phases (Sinking theory). In the first phase ther
e is a general disturbance in the vascular system of the cerium. The second
phase follows when the structures that suspend the claw bone within the ho
rn shoe give way. The locus minoris resistentiae has yet to be identified.
The claw bone sinks and causes various lesions when it pinches the underlyi
ng sole or heel corium. The third phase begins when haemorrhages become vis
ible on the horn surface of the sole or when the sole ulcerates; socalled t
hird phase lesions. The relationship between the development of sole ulcers
and anatomical structures such as the claw bone's tuberculum flexorium or
the fat bodies under the bone are unclear. Epidemiological studies have sho
wn that sole ulcers have a high rate of recurrence. The healing processes a
nd the factors that influence them have hitherto not been studied.