Calculations of NO2+ at HF, CBS-4, CASSCF, MBPT(2), MBPT(3), and MBPT(4) th
eory levels, using 3-21G and 6-31G(d) basis sets, found two C-2V structures
along with the linear geometry. Computations using MBPT(2) and CCSD(T) app
roaches and the aug-cc-pvtz basis set confirmed these results. Harmonic vib
rational frequency calculations, performed with MBPT(2) and CCSD(T) theorie
s, indicated that the linear structure was the global minimum while one of
the bent structures (angle ONO = 80 degrees) was a higher energy local mini
mum. The second C-2V structure (angle ONO = 45 degrees) exhibited a large i
maginary vibrational frequency along the asymmetric stretching (B-2) mode,
indicating its saddle point nature. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.