Current evidence suggests that the addition of the long acting inhaled beta
(2)-agonist formoterol to low or moderate doses of the inhaled corticoster
oid budesonide is effective in improving lung function and reducing the inc
idence of asthma exacerbations.
Concurrent use of budesonide with formoterol does not result in any untowar
d interaction that affects the pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic profiles
of the individual drugs, or their adverse effect profiles.
The administration of combined budesonide/ formoterol is effective in impro
ving morning and evening peak expiratory flow rates in adults with persiste
nt asthma, Control of asthma symptoms is also significantly improved.
In children aged 4 to 17 years, combined budesonide/ formoterol is effectiv
e in increasing both morning and evening peak expiratory flow rates and sig
nificantly improving forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
The most commonly encountered adverse effects in clinical trials with combi
nation budesonide/ formoterol therapy have been respiratory infection, phar
yngitis and coughing. No adverse effects on pulse rate, blood pressure or s
erum potassium have been reported with combination therapy.