We examine several geometric features of the confinement of lamellar materi
als in complex geometries. When the anchoring of a sample at its boundaries
(smectic-fluid interfaces or smectic-solid substrates interfaces) is stron
g enough, the geometric approximation of parallel layers can be extended to
the bounding surface of the sample. Depending on the concavity of the inte
rface, a strong planar anchoring is then compatible (or not) with a smectic
organization in the bulk. We give the simplest smectic organization which
satisfies a planar anchoring everywhere on the interface of axisymmetric in
verse SmA droplets and compute its curvature energy. Eventually, the reason
is given why the textures of direct and inverse SmA droplets are so much d
ifferent (as it was first noticed in the pioneering work on SmA of Friedel
and Grandjean).