To face up the rapid development of Internet services with even more growin
g needs in terms of quality of service and bandwidth, we introduce in this
paper an accelerated signalling capability for the ATM network. As a prelim
inary, we draw attention to the fact that cell spacing can regulate the dyn
amics of TCP over ATM if the spacing period is adequately chosen. Then, we
propose to associate with each Internet information flow (generated by TCP
or UDP) a Deterministic Bit Rate (DBR) virtual channel connection within th
e ATM network. The cell spacing mechanism actually makes the cell stream of
an Internet information flow compliant with a DBR connection, for which qu
ality of service objectives in terms of negligible cell loss and bounded ce
ll transfer delays can be guaranteed. To achieve this, we study a synchroni
zation method between the two connection establishment procedures, namely t
hat at the Internet protocol lever and the signalling procedure for the ATM
network. The ATM connection is established throughout the network via a li
ght-weight signalling procedure, which relies on the exchange of single cel
l messages consisting of Resource Management(RM) cells. The addressing syst
em proposed for this accelerated signalling capability is that of classical
IP, which is and will certainly be the predominant one in the near future.