The role of equine tapeworm infections in the aetiology of colic has r
ecently attracted increased attention. This paper summarizes the resul
ts of investigations and experiences in this problem done at our insti
tute. Faecal samples from 1168 horses taken from 45 horse flocks mainl
y in the northern part of Germany were examined using the NaCl/ZnCl2-f
lotation method. Although examination of feces did not provide a defin
itive diagnosis in all patients infected with tapeworms we were able t
o identify 43 positive horses (4.6%). Mostly Anoplocephala spp. and on
ly in two cases Paranoplocephala mamillana eggs were found. Tapeworm i
nfected horses were treated and later examined three times by flotatio
n method. In the case of Oxibendazol (orally, 10 mg/kg b.w.) and Pyran
tel (orally, 19,8 mg/kg b.w.) we could not confirm the positive treatm
ent results given in the literature. Praziquantel (1-2 mg/kg b.w., i.m
.), which is up to now not available for horses, showed an efficacy of
nearly 90 percent. No side effect could be observed.