Energetic electrons trapped in Jupiter's magnetic field are a principal sou
rce of energy for driving chemistry on the surface of Europa. Here we show
that energetic (10 keV-10 MeV) electrons precipitate primarily on the trail
ing hemisphere, and we give the spatial distribution of the dose-rate depos
ited in Europa's surface. Based on this we propose that energetic electrons
are a primary agent in determining the hemispherical differences in Europa
's albedo, which have been attributed to differences in the incident ion fl
ux. We compare the spatial distribution in the dose-rate deposited by the e
nergetic electrons to the spatial distribution in the hydrate (likely froze
n, hydrated sulfuric acid) determined by Galileo's near-infrared mapping sp
ectrometer. This comparison supports the idea that radiolysis by the energe
tic electrons contributes significantly to producing the hydrate.