Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an endothelial cell mitog
en involved in vascular development and angiogenesis. Recently we have
observed increased VEGF expression in the normal myocardium after myo
cardial infarction in a rat heart. This study was designed to explore
the mechanism responsible for this increase in VEGF expression, Induct
ion of myocardial stretch in an isolated perfused Langendorff preparat
ion by inflation of an intraventricular balloon to an end-diastolic lo
ad of 35 mmHg for 30 min resulted in a nearly sixfold increase in VEGF
message level not only in the chamber subjected to stretch (left vent
ricle) but also in the unstretched right ventricle, thus raising the p
ossibility of a soluble factor mediating stretch-induced induction of
VEGF expression, This was further confirmed by demonstrating that coro
nary venous effluent collected from the stretched heart and used to pe
rfuse isolated hearts in which no balloon was present was able to indu
ce VEGF expression in these normal hearts. Inhibition of TGF-beta acti
vity using a neutralizing antibody, but not antagonists/inhibitors of
endothelin and angiotensin II, eliminated stretch-induced increase in
VEGF expression. Staurosporine, a protein kinase C inhibitor, also blo
cked stretch-induced increase of VEGF expression, Measurement of TGF-b
eta concentration in the perfusate demonstrated increased amounts of t
he cytokine after myocardial stretch, and addition of TGF-beta protein
to the perfusion buffer resulted in increased VEGF expression in cont
rol hearts, These results suggest that stretch-induced increase of VEG
F expression in the heart is mediated at least in part by TGF-beta.