We discuss the properties of matter in a D-dimensional anti-de Sitter-type
space-time induced dynamically by the recoil of a very heavy D(irichlet)-pa
rticle defect embedded in it. The particular form of the recoil geometry, w
hich from a world sheet view point follows from logarithmic conformal field
theory deformations of the pertinent sigma-models, results in the presence
of both infrared and ultraviolet (spatial) cutoffs. These are crucial in e
nsuring the presence of mass gaps in scalar matter propagating in the D-par
ticle recoil space-time. The analogy of this problem with the Liouville-str
ing approach to QCD, suggested earlier by John Ellis and one of the present
authors, prompts us to identify the resulting scalar masses with those obt
ained in the supergravity approach based on the Maldacena's conjecture, but
without the imposition of any supersymmetry in our case. Within reasonable
numerical uncertainties, we observe that agreement is obtained between the
two approaches for a particular value of the ratio of the two cutoffs of t
he recoil geometry. Notably, our approach does not suffer from the ambiguit
ies of the supergravity approach as regards the validity of the comparison
of the glueball masses computed there with those obtained in the continuum
limit of lattice gauge theories.