This paper is concerned with the application of theorem proving techniques
to the formal proof of hardware. More precisely, we aim at providing a meth
odology for applying provers like Nqthm or Ac12 to the formal verification
of parameterized replicated circuits. Nqthm (the Boyer-Moore theorem prover
) and its successor Ac12 are induction-based systems; their formalisms are
respectively a simplified Lisp-like language and Common Lisp. Hence, the ci
rcuits we consider must be given a purely functional representation. Moreov
er, our work puts the emphasis on the integration of formal proof technique
s in CAD (Computer Aided Design) environments which support Hardware Descri
ption Languages in which replication is expressed by iteration. Therefore,
we associate with the iterative statement of the VHDL language a functional
semantics that guarantees an easy translation from VHDL to Nqthm/Acl2 whil
e simplifying the subsequent inductive proofs. The approach has been succes
sfully applied to one-dimensional as well as two-dimensional structures.