The growth of nonlinear optical crystals of large size and excellent qualit
y is of prime importance for frequency conversion applications. In the flux
growth of LiB3O5 (LBO), the presence of extended BO3 and BO4 chain-like st
ructures gives rise to highly viscous melts. As a consequence, mass transpo
rt is restricted and the depletion of material at the melt-crystal interfac
e results in unstable hopper growth. The addition of small amounts of NaCl
to the melt is effective in breaking BO4 bond chains, The resulting reducti
on in viscosity facilitates an increase in growth rate by up to a factor of
3. However, the incorporation of NaCl into the lattice may have an adverse
effect on crystal quality, In the present study. LBO crystals of typical d
imension 30 x 30 x 26mm(3) were grown by top-seeded solution from berate fl
uxes doped with Z and 4 mol% NaCl, and without NaCl, Changes in growth and
morphology are described as a function of melt dopant concentration. Laser
damage threshold will be discussed in relation to the concentration of NaCl
in the crystal. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.