The field of electronic imaging has made incredible strides over the past d
ecade producing systems with higher signal quality, complex data formats, s
ophisticated operations for analyzing and visualizing information, advanced
interfaces, and richer image environments. Since electronic imaging system
s and applications are designed for human users, the success of these syste
ms depends on the degree to which they match the features of human vision a
nd cognition. This paper reviews the interplay between human vision and ele
ctronic imaging, describing how the methods, models and experiments in huma
n vision have influenced the development of imaging systems, and how imagin
g technologies and applications have raised new research questions for the
vision community. Using the past decade of papers from the IS&T/SPIE Confer
ence on Human Vision and Electronic imaging as a lens, we trace a path up t
he "perceptual food chain," showing how research in low-level vision has in
fluenced image quality metrics, image compression algorithms, rendering tec
hniques and display design, how research in attention and pattern recogniti
on have influenced the development of image analysis, visualization, and di
gital libraries systems, and how research in higher-level functions is invo
lved in the design of emotional, aesthetic, and virtual systems. (C) 2001 S
PIE and IS&T.