Different varieties of fresh marine fin and shell fishes like sardine, mack
erel. tuna, red snapper, ribbon fish, catfish and shrimp, oyster, squid etc
. from the same catch of Tuticorin waters were processed in the laboratory
and analyzed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) like chrysene (CRY), dibe
nzanthracene (DBA) and benzo(a)pyrene (BAP). Similarly, commercially availa
ble processed fishery products were also analyzed. Variations in the method
s of cooking on the contents of PAHs in sardine fish were observed. The res
ults showed that CRY was present in the majority of the samples analyzed. S
alt cured shark fish contained 2.30 +/- 05 mug CRY/g.2.60 +/- 0.15 mug DBA/
g and 3.78 +/- 0.5 mug BAP/g. Commercially processed salt cured sardine als
o contained all the three hydrocarbons. Broiled sardine contained 0.04 +/-
0.01 mug BAP/g, while grilled sardine contained 0.02 +/- 0.009 mug BAP/g.