Previous studies of personality change in multiple sclerosis (MS) relied on
brief, nonstandardized assessments or tests that are confounded with sympt
oms of acute psychiatric disorder. Objectives of the present study were to
evaluate character change in MS by using comprehensive trait measures of pe
rsonality and to determine if there is an association between personality c
hange and cognitive dysfunction. Thirty-four MS patients and 14 healthy vol
unteers were studied. All underwent comprehensive neurologic and neuropsych
ologic evaluation. Personality assessments included both self and informant
reports on the Hogan Empathy Scale and the NEO Personality Inventory. Abno
rmalities were found among MS patients indicating elevated neuroticism and
reduction in empathy, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Large patient/i
nformant discrepancies were observed in the MS but not the control group. T
hree neuropsychological tests emphasizing executive control predicted the p
resence of these abnormalities; this association suggests a neurogenic, fro
ntal lobe syndrome.