The objective of this research was to examine how consumers use health-rela
ted food endorsements on food labels. Three endorsement programs were exami
ned: those of the two major retailers in the United Kingdom,Tesco and Sains
bury's, and the "Pick the Tick" program of the National Heart Foundation of
Australia. The main methodology used was protocol analysis. This involves
the subject "thinking aloud" while performing a task-in this case, (a) shop
ping normally and (b) shopping "healthily" for foods on a predetermined lis
t-to generate a protocol. Each subject was also interviewed to investigate
reported use of endorsements. Subjects were a quota sample (N = 44) of shop
pers representative of the U.K. and Australian populations. Information abo
ut the subjects, the protocols, and interview data were analyzed quantitati
vely; the protocols were also analyzed qualitatively. Sainsbury's and Austr
alian shoppers never used the endorsements when shopping but Tesco shoppers
did, albeit rarely. Tesco shoppers used the endorsement in complex ways an
d not just as a trigger to food selection. They sometimes used the endorsem
ent to reject endorsed foods. Subjects claimed to use the endorsements even
though the protocol analysis revealed no actual use. There are features of
the Tesco endorsement program that make it more helpful to consumers than
the other programs.