With a substantial impact on morbidity and mortality, the growing "epidemic
" of atrial fibrillation (AF) intersects with a number of conditions, inclu
ding aging, thromboembolism, hemorrhage, hypertension and left ventricular
dysfunction. Currently, the epidemiology and natural history of AF govern a
ll aspects of its clinical management. The ongoing global investigative eff
orts coward understanding AF are also driven by epidemiologic findings. New
developments, by affecting the natural history of the disease, could event
ually alter the nature of decision making in patients with AF. The crucial
issue of rate versus rhythm control awaits completion of the AF Follow-up I
nvestigation of Rhythm Management trial. The processes of electrical and st
ructural remodeling that perpetuate AF appear to be reversible. In the era
of functional genomics, the molecular basis of this ubiquitous arrhythmia i
s in the process of being defined. Unraveling the molecular genetics of AF
might provide new insights into the structural and electrical phenotypes re
sulting from genetic mutations and, as such, new approaches to treatment of
this arrhythmia at the ion channel and cellular levels. Thus, current adve
rse trends are superimposed on a background of a rapidly developing knowled
ge base and potentially exciting new therapeutic options. Consequently, an
understanding of the epidemiology and natural history of AF is crucial to t
he future allocation of resources and the utilization of an expanding range
of therapies aimed at reducing the impact of this disease on a changing pa
tient population. (C) 2001 by the American College of Cardiology.