The location of the Canary Archipelago, at the east edge of the North Atlan
tic, a few hundred kilometres from the West African coast. has For years po
sed a serious difficulty in understanding the complex interaction between l
ong-lasting volcanic activity and one of the oldest seafloor basements (>15
0 Ma) on earth. Many different hypotheses have been proposed in the lost tw
o decades to understand the genesis of the Canary Archipelago. There is an
increasing acceptance to explain the archipelago as the product of the slow
passage of the African plate over a mantle hotspot. In rival tectonic mode
ls, stretching and thinning of the lithosphere would determine the islands
as independent volcanic blocks. We review recent geophysical and geological
evidence supporting a mantle plume origin for the Canary Islands, based on
the recognition of crustal thickening by mafic intrusions produced by the
interaction between the mantle plume and the old oceanic lithosphere beneat
h the Canary Archipelago. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve