Surveillance for fungal diseases is essential to improve our understanding
of their epidemiology and to enable research and prevention efforts to be p
rioritized. In order to conduct better surveillance for fungal diseases, it
is important to develop more accurate and timely diagnostic tests, to foll
ow rigorous epidemiological methods and to have adequate support from publi
c health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. Investigations of nosoco
mial and community outbreaks of fungal infection have also resulted in a be
tter understanding of the sources and routes of transmission of these disea
ses, and of the risk factors for infection. This has led to more effective
prevention and control strategies. In addition, outbreak investigations hav
e offered excellent opportunities to develop new molecular sub-typing metho
ds, and to evaluate and validate older ones. For example, results obtained
from a global epidemiological study of the genomic structure of Cryptococcu
s neoformans have led to a better understanding of the epidemiology of cryp
tococcosis. Similarly, a study of variations in the genotype of Trichophyto
n rubrum has found that patients may become infected with multiple strains,
which has important implications for study design when looking at the epid
emiology of dermatophyte infections.