A methodology to compute probabilistic fatigue life of polymer matrix
laminated composites has been developed and demonstrated. Matrix degra
dation effects due to long term environmental exposure and mechanical/
thermal cyclic loads are accounted for in the simulation process. A un
ified time-temperature-stress dependent multi-factor interaction relat
ionship developed at NASA Lewis Research center has been used to model
the degradation/aging of material properties due to cyclic loads. The
fast probability integration method is used to compute probabilistic
distribution of response. Sensitivity of fatigue Life reliability to u
ncertainties in the primitive random variables e.g. constituent proper
ties, fiber volume ratio, void volume ratio, ply thickness, etc. are c
omputed and their significance in the reliability based design for max
imum Life is discussed. Effect of variation in the thermal cyclic load
s on the fatigue reliability for a graphite/epoxy (0/+/-45/90)degrees(
s) laminate with ply thickness 0.127 mm, with respect to impending fai
lure modes has been studied. The results show that, at low mechanical
cyclic loads and low thermal cyclic amplitudes, fatigue life for 0.999
reliability is most sensitive to matrix compressive strength, matrix
modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, and ply thickness. Whereas at
high mechanical cyclic loads and high thermal cyclic amplitudes, fatig
ue Life at 0.999 reliability is more sensitive to the shear strength o
f matrix, longitudinal fiber modulus, matrix modulus, and ply thicknes